쿼리에서 에러가 났습니다.
쿼리문 select * from snow_news as sn where find_in_set(\'photo_top\', `wr_photo_type`) and `wr_is_regist` = 1 and `wr_is_delete` = 0 and wr_type=\'photo\' and wr_type=\'photo\' order by wr_regist_date desc limit 0,
에러메세지 ERROR CODE 1064 : select * from snow_news as sn where find_in_set(\'photo_top\', `wr_photo_type`) and `wr_is_regist` = 1 and `wr_is_delete` = 0 and wr_type=\'photo\' and wr_type=\'photo\' order by wr_regist_date desc limit 0,
페이지 /home/hosting_users/mokjo/www/m/page/photo.php